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Coming to the Rink

Please be sure to be at rink 30 minutes before game time to give players enough time to gear up and get ready for the game. Not being ready on time causes the game to be delayed and is unfair to your teammates and the other team.



Full gear is required! It is best for players to bring their own gear. However, we have arranged with the rink to borrow their gear on a game-by-game basis. Helmets and sticks are extremely size-specific, so we highly recommend purchasing these items to ensure a fun and safe experience. Rink does not provide jocks or neck guards.


Gearing Up

Each team will be assigned its own locker room. If using gear from the rink, pick up the equipment from Locker Room #9, and bring it to your team’s assigned locker room. After the game, please make sure to return the equipment to its respective container.


Ice Safety

Only players, coaches, referees and scoreboard operator are allowed on the ice and bench area during warm-up and the game. LA Kings Valley Ice Center prohibits anyone else from being on the ice or bench area during that time. Additionally, players from other teams may not be on the ice or bench area when their games are not on.


Game Time

When given the “go ahead,” home team and visiting team should go to their respective benches. Before each game, there will be 10-minute warm-up and final pep talk from your coaches. The game consists of three 15 minute periods.


Line Changes (Division B)

Each team is divided into 2 lines. Line one (typically older/higher skilled players) will play vs the opponent’s line 1. Line two (typically younger/lower skilled players) will play the opposing line 2. Each lines plays 3-minute shifts, at which point the horn will sound indicating a “line change.”



Offsides will be only be enforced for Division A players. If you do not fully understand the offsides rule, please ask your coach to explain.



The Icing rule will only be enforced for Division A



Penalties are called by the game referees. In a “minor penalty” (tripping, hooking and the like) the offending player is to sit in the penalty box for 2 minutes, putting his team at a disadvantage. If the shift end before 2 minutes are up, the penalty carries over to the offending player’s following shift. A “major penalty” (punching, fight or any act with intent to injure) will result in 5 minute penalty and/or ejection from the game.



In the event of a tie game at the end of regulation time, the game will be decided by a “shootout”. Each coach will select 3 players from his team to participate. If the shootout ends in a tie, the game will be called as a “tie”.


Coaches and Referees

Coaches and referees should be shown proper respect at all times. If a player has a complaint about the referees call, he is do bring it to the attention of his coach. Disrespectful behavior toward a coach or referee will not be tolerated.



The 4 teams with best record at the conclusion of the regular season will advance to the playoffs. The 1st seed will play the 4th seed, and 2nd will play the 3rd. The winners move on to the championship game.



If you’re going to be absent for any given game, please inform us via text or email ASAP so we can make the necessary arrangements.


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